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Cursing While Playing Video Games Funny

Let's be honest, life can throw us some pretty insane curveballs at times. I'm sure many of you have pretty crazy stories of things you've done and seen over the years. When we leave our homes and venture out into the wide world, we expect at least a little bit of randomness and chaos.

We don't expect crazy things to happen to us in the safety of our homes and we definitely don't expect them to happen while we're relaxing and playing video games. This hasn't stopped the universe from dishing out some rather insane plot twists and chaotic moments.

Thanks to the recent boom of Twitch, online gaming, and video recording, we have a much greater chance of capturing tense moments and unbelievable situations. It may seem like a safe place, but there are a lot of things that have happened to gamers while they've been engrossed in a gaming session. Some have lost their lives, while others have lived through some terrifying ordeals. There have also been  moments of extreme happiness and "shock."

We've scoured the net to find some interesting and insane moments that have happened to people while playing games. Which of these moments is your favorite? Let us know!

15 Gamer Receives Insane Customer Service

Via: Top Full Games And Software

A lot of the items on this list are going to seem morbid and unsettling. For this reason, we figured we'd start off this list with something light-hearted and quite frankly, pretty amazing.

Some video game developers are more dedicated to updating and growing their titles than others, but the crew at Runic Games are otherworldly. The Torchlight creators deserve a gold star for customer service after promptly answering a player complaint. The gamer took to the forums and explained to the developer that a specific camera angle made the game unplayable due to her rare eye disorder.

The crew took the gamer's disdain to heart and rolled out a patch as quickly as possible (in the form of a user camera toggle). What makes this even more impressive is that the patch dropped only hours later, and early on a Sunday morning.

14 South Korean Man Dies During Game Session

Via: Polygon

If you're on this website, reading this article right now, it's most likely because you're a curious and dedicated gamer. Here in the United States, games have blown up into a multi-billion dollar industry. We have gaming centers scattered throughout large cities and there are quite a few gaming events that take place each year.

That being said, we pale in comparison to South Korea. The country has become a gaming mecca, with tons of gaming-based locations and a huge Major League Gaming scene. Video games are taken very seriously in South Korea, sometimes too seriously.

A 28-year-old South Korean man lost his life during a marathon 50-hour StarCraft session. Witnesses stated that the man only paused his game for short bathroom breaks and small amounts of sleep. He hadn't eaten much, and it's suspected that he died from heart complications due to exhaustion.

13 Babysitter Arrested For Neglecting Toddler

Via: Pexels

We hear the words "gaming addiction" thrown around a lot. It's a sad truth that there are some individuals out there who become so enamored and addicted to gaming that they proceed to completely neglect their other responsibilities. On a serious note, if you feel like you may be suffering from a video game-based addiction, we implore you to seek help, as any addiction can be harmful.

A Virginia man put a toddler's life in serious danger when he completely forgot the child during a gaming session. The 21-year-old was supposed to be babysitting a 1-year-old toddler when police found the child alone in a roadway. Thankfully, the child was not injured, but this horrible lapse of judgment could have ended in tragedy.

12 Twitch Streamer Captures Paranormal Activity

Via: Only Horror

There are a lot of spooky Twitch videos floating around the internet claiming to capture paranormal activity. One of the best comes from Rubzy, during a stream in which he was playing a rather applicable game, Outlast 2. The streamer wasn't in his usual setting for this show and instead found himself pet sitting for a friend. To make things even creepier, Rubzy stated that he always felt like the apartment was haunted and he was "covered in goosebumps" even before starting the game.

During the stream, some strange and alarming things happen. A door opens and slams on its own, the lights in a hallway randomly turn on, and a box flies off a table. If this particular video is fake, Rubzy does a fantastic job at acting scared. His reactions seem rather genuine.

11 Player Dies While Streaming For Charity

Via: The Daily Bounce

Twitch has become a massive money-making business for a lot of prominent streamers. There are many individuals that fire up their PCs and consoles each night to support themselves and their families. Then there are those amazing individuals that spend all of their time streaming and interacting with the community in an effort to raise as much money as possible for charities and those less fortunate.

Streamer PoShYbRiD was known for playing the popular title World of Tanks for long periods of time, in order to raise money for various charities. He was near the end of streaming an impressive 24-hours to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Spectators watched as the 35-year-old disappeared for a quick smoke break and never returned. Tragically, he was later found unresponsive in his home by a Virginia Beach detective.

10 Cat Almost Blinds Twitch Streamer

Via: Youtube (Kefta K3bab)

Those of you on the fence between loving cats and loving dogs will surely find yourself backing canines after watching this terrifying video. Everyone knows that cats can be a bit anti-social at times, but Twitch streamer Sara Kate learned the hard way just how brutal these fluff balls can really be.

As she sat in a lobby for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Sara leaned her head back to make kissing motions at her beloved pet. A lightning fast swat started a horrifying situation for Sara and her spectators. The cats claw caught part of her eye, which started bleeding rather heavily. She rushed to the hospital much to the terror of her fans. Thankfully, the prominent streamer avoided any real eye damage. She was wearing contacts at the time, which may have protected her cornea.

9 Streamer Sets Apartment Ablaze

Via: Youtube (FlopKrew)

This next streamer made a mistake that we were all warned about in grade school. During a video game streaming session on Twitch, a Japanese man attempted to "show off" a lighter to all of his followers. The lighter was filled with fluid and used a featured a reusable match that could be struck on the side of the lighter. After fumbling with the device for a few moments, the entire thing erupts into flames.

Through the chaos, the man made some poor choices. He started by tossing the lighter into a bin of waste, which promptly caught fire. From there, the waste was moved to a corner of the room where it latched on to a wooden closet and some nearby cardboard. It wasn't long before the room filled with smoke and the streamer fled the scene. According to the Huffington Post, one building resident may have lost her life in the blaze.

8 Kootra Gets Swatted During Stream

Via: Imgur

Twitch can be a great way to connect with the gaming community, but it's important to note that there are some individuals on the internet that you may not want to associate with. Popular streamer Kootra learned this the hard way, after falling victim to a rather scary "prank" known as swatting.

During a live stream, Kootra exclaimed that he heard officers moving through his local Colorado-based office. Sure enough, moments later, a SWAT team burst through his door and ordered him to get on the ground. Apparently, an online prankster had called into local police about a potential homicide. The Twitch alumni noted that he had been pranked before, usually with ordered pizzas or taxi requests. Swatting is definitely one of the worst things to come as a product of Twitch streaming, proving how important it is to keep address anonymity.

7 Married Couple Meet On Call Of Duty

Via: The Sun

Let's take a break from the streaming chaos and look at something incredibly wholesome. They say love can strike anyone at anytime. A UK-based couple are living proof of this concept, after meeting each other in a rather unlikely place. Gary Davey and Kayleigh Hopgood were first introduced during a Team Deathmatch in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

According to Davy, he found himself being killed by the same username. After a few respawns, he decided to send a light-hearted message to his assassin, asking if they could "please stop killing him." The young couple had no idea that that first message would blossom into a relationship, and then explode into a marriage proposal.

6 Man Hacks Game To Propose To Girlfriend

Via: Bejeweled Wiki

That last story was such a feel good experience, we figured we'd give you another. There are few things as stunningly romantic as seeing a publically staged marriage proposal. Some people go to great lengths to create elaborate displays of love and adoration. Jersey City resident Bernie Peng set the tone back in 2008 when he proposed to his girlfriend, Tammy Li, by hacking her favorite mobile puzzle game, Bejeweled.

The dedicated boyfriend put a lot of work into manipulating the game's code so that a specialized proposal message would appear when Li achieved a certain score. Happily, his girlfriend said yes. One would believe that Bejeweled's developers would be upset with Peng, but they were so impressed with his ability that they actually offered to pay for part of the wedding.

5 Gamers Solve AIDS Puzzle

Via: MIT Sloan Management Review

This isn't exactly recent news (it happened in 2011) but it goes to show you how powerful gamers can be when they put their minds to something. The story saw a group of gamers unlock an AIDS-related structure through a protein-folding game called FoldIt. For anyone unfamiliar, FoldIt allowed players to "solve" complex puzzles by linking amino acids and pushing around proteins. The idea was to come up with the "ultimate folded state" for each problem.

Prior to the creation of this crowd-sourced puzzle game, scientists found themselves baffled by a particular AIDS-related problem that halted their progress towards curing the disease. This issue had stumped solvers for over a decade, but FoldIt gamers managed to crack the code in record time.

4 Gamers Modify Shock Collars To Play With

Via: Digital Trends

The "GeneZap," has been around since 2012, so maybe you're one of the souls unfortunate enough to have tried it. Two French gamers apparently thought games had gotten too easy, so they decided to bring back retro difficulty with a twist. Their ingenious invention comes complete with the unnerving motto "No pity for bad players."

The duo crafted this interactive torture device by modifying some Sega Genesis controllers. The devices were paired with dog bark control collars, the same types of collars used to control excessive barking by administering a noticeable shock. The GeneZap will send out a painful pulse every time an in-game character takes damage. The creative duo even released a step by step instruction guide that will help you create your own GeneZap if you're feeling especially masochistic.

3 Gamer Has Laptop Explode While Playing Console

Via: The Sun

A while back the world was terrified and shocked by a series of cellular phone explosions. These portable devices were blowing up while charging, bursting into flames, and almost seriously injuring their users. Because of this, it wouldn't be so shocking to hear a story about a gamer having their phone explode while playing video games.

What is shocking, is to hear that a laptop burst into flames during an otherwise normal gaming session. Thankfully, the player, 18-year-old Devon Johnson, wasn't using his laptop at the time. He was comfortably seated on his couch, enjoying some console games with a friend. A home security camera managed to catch the laptop bursting into flames (four different times) while it charged on the nearby sofa. What's most alarming is that David was meant to be at the cinema with his friend at the time, and had he been, the house would have surely gone up in flames.

2 Streamer Robbed At Gunpoint

Via: Youtube (KalXeLL)

Twitch streamers and avid gamers aren't immune to unfortunate events and unforeseen attacks. We may think these individuals are safe and protected in their home while streaming, but one particular event involving gamer Sajedene proves otherwise. Nikki Elise was starting her DOTA 2 stream just like any other night when things took a seriously sinister turn.

Shortly after starting a match, Nikki heard a knock on the door. We see her disappear from view, and moments later, a stranger enters the frame. The culprit is shrouded in black and carrying a handgun. Followers and friends quickly contacted police. Thankfully, Nikki was unharmed but is rather shaken up from the experience. The police managed to apprehend one suspect, but a second escaped.

1 Father Hires Virtual Hitman To Kill Son

Via: Kotaku Australia

In the realm of "crazy things that have happened to people while playing games," this one takes the cake. Sure, a lot of the other things featured on this list are pretty horrifying, but this particular event is just insane. At first glance, this sounds like something that someone simply "made up" for fame. Shockingly, it's not. This is a real situation that happened to a young man in China.

The 23-year-old man's father became disgusted by his son's unemployment, which he blamed on online gaming. In order to "motivate" his offspring into finding a job, he decided to hire a "virtual hitman" to stalk his son during his gaming sessions. The young man eventually discovered what his father had done, and confronted him. This story does have a "happy ending" as the two (according to Kotaku) have since made up.


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